To design a three-wheeled tricycle that meets the child’s needs and the family’s lifestyle.
The problem we are facing is to design an adaptive three-wheeled stroller that is well suited to the family’s needs. The first design aspect we have to consider is being able to have the stroller built for a child from years 1 and 2 all the way through early teenage years. The next aspect we have to consider is being able to have it adaptable to make sure it can handle sidewalks, trails, gravel, sand, and any other possible terrains. The biggest thing we are keeping in mind as we design and build this stroller is having it big enough to be well suited for the child and extra luggage, while also being small enough to fit in the van.
Front Wheel
Tube Size
Rear Axle and Wheels
Arm Rests and Hinges
Engineering Analysis 1: Distribution of forces on the wheels and frame of the chair. Assumed worst case scenario; that is maximum (assumed) weight of the child is applied at the absolute center of the frame. The lower to supports of the frame will bear majority of the weight. Therefore, Analysis was done as though those were the only supports. This analysis will help up find an ideal material that is strong enough to support the weight.
Tabs/Hinge Plates/Arm Rest Supports
Arm Rests
Rear Axle
Front Wheel
Ski for Front Wheel
We rolled the stroller over a variety of surfaces, and a few people rode in it to make sure it was safe.